What is ISOVive?
Mimo™ (short for maltosyl-isomalto-oligosaccharides) is a natural prebiotic historically found in traditionally fermented sourdough bread made from ancient wheat. Due to changes in wheat and mechanized bread production, MIMO has disappeared from our diets. However, we still have gut bacteria that need MIMO to keep us healthy. When people don’t get MIMO as part of a healthy diet, these good gut bacteria can go rogue and start eating the mucus lining of the colon to survive. That can lead to leaky gut symptoms, systemic inflammation, and a host of other digestive and health issues.

ISOVive Supports Digestive Gut Health by Adding Back What’s Been Missing
ISOVive is the only prebiotic on the market today that supplies MIMO, the missing food for your good gut bacteria. Even if you’re taking other prebiotics, you still need MIMO for gut health.
When you take ISOVive every day, the gut’s mucus lining, which is the body’s primary protection from harmful gut bacteria and viruses, stays strong. A strong mucus lining can reduce the chances of infection and systemic inflammation and helps to keep the body functioning at its best.

Backed by Science, Scientifically Validated, Thoroughly Tested
Together with our FDA-registered, cGMP manufacturing facility, we rigorously test ISOVive to ensure it is safe, pure and provides exactly what is on the label.
ISOVive is a naturally fermented, delicious, lightly-sweet prebiotic nectar that makes it easy to support your gut health today.